Yingwei Ouyang

Showing 8 publications


Highly insulating thermoplastic blends comprising a styrenic copolymer for direct-current power cable insulation

Yingwei Ouyang, Amir Masoud Pourrahimi, Ida Östergren et al
High Voltage. Vol. 7 (2), p. 251-259
Journal article

Highly insulating thermoplastic nanocomposites based on a polyolefin ternary blend for high-voltage direct current power cables

Azadeh Soroudi, Yingwei Ouyang, Fritjof Nilsson et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 14 (21), p. 7927-7933
Journal article

High-temperature creep resistant ternary blends based on polyethylene and polypropylene for thermoplastic power cable insulation

Yingwei Ouyang, Amir Masoud Pourrahimi, Anja Lund et al
Journal of Polymer Science. Vol. 59 (11), p. 1084-1094
Journal article

Recyclable Polyethylene Insulation via Reactive Compounding with a Maleic Anhydride-Grafted Polypropylene

Yingwei Ouyang, Massimiliano Mauri, Amir Masoud Pourrahimi et al
ACS Applied Polymer Materials. Vol. 2 (6), p. 2389-2396
Journal article

Electrical Characterization of a New Crosslinked Copolymer Blend for DC Cable Insulation

Sarath Kumara, Xiangdong Xu, Thomas Hammarström et al
Energies. Vol. 13 (6)
Journal article

Click chemistry-type crosslinking of a low-conductivity polyethylene copolymer ternary blend for power cable insulation

Massimiliano Mauri, Anna Hofmann, Diana Gomez-Heincke et al
Polymer International. Vol. 69 (4), p. 404-412
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Advanced characterization of new insulation materials for next generation of HVDC power cables

Thomas Hammarström Power grids and Components
Yingwei Ouyang Christian Müller Group
Christian Müller Christian Müller Group
Roland Kádár Engineering Materials
Aleksandar Matic Materials Physics
Yuriy Serdyuk Power grids and Components

4 publications exist
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