Yongjun Wei

Showing 3 publications


Identification of genes involved in shea butter biosynthesis from Vitellaria paradoxa fruits through transcriptomics and functional heterologous expression

Yongjun Wei, Boyang Ji, Verena Siewers et al
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. Vol. 103 (9), p. 3727-3736
Journal article

Highly efficient recovery and clean-up of four heavy metals from MSWI fly ash by integrating leaching, selective extraction and adsorption

Jinfeng Tang, Minhua Su, Qihang Wu et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 234, p. 139-149
Journal article

Highly Effective Treatment of Petrochemical Wastewater by a Super-sized Industrial Scale Plant with Expanded Granular Sludge Bed Bioreactor and Aerobic Activated Sludge

Wenning Mai, Jiawei Liang, Jinfeng Tang et al
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 360, p. 15-23
Journal article

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