Yury Alaverdyan

Showing 13 publications


Sensitivity enhancement of nanoplasmonic sensors on low refractive index substrates

Björn Brian, Borja Sepulveda, Yury Alaverdyan et al
Optics Express. Vol. 17 (3), p. 2015-2023
Journal article

Photochemical tuning of plasmon resonances in single gold nanoparticles

T. Hartling, Yury Alaverdyan, M. T. Wenzel et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 112 (13), p. 4920-4924
Journal article

Shape efffects in the localized surface plasmon resonance of single nanoholes in thin metal films

Borja Sepulveda, Yury Alaverdyan, Joan Alegret et al
Optics Express. Vol. 16 (8), p. 5609-5616
Journal article

Plasmonic Au/Co/Au nanosandwiches with enhanced magneto-optical activity

J. B. Gonzalez-Diaz, A. Garcia-Martin, J. M. Garcia-Martin et al
Small. Vol. 4 (2), p. 202-205
Journal article

Optically controlled interparticle distance tuning and welding of single gold nanoparticle pairs by photochemical metal deposition

T. Hartling, Yury Alaverdyan, A. Hille et al
Optics Express. Vol. 16 (16), p. 12362-12371
Journal article

Plasmonic properties of silver trimers with trigonal symmetry fabricated by electron-beam lithography

Joan Alegret, Tomas Rindzevicius, Tavakol Pakizeh et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 112 (37), p. 14313-14317
Journal article

Optical antennas based on coupled nanoholes in thin metal films

Yury Alaverdyan, Borja Sepulveda, Lisa Eurenius et al
Nature Physics. Vol. 3 (12), p. 884-889
Journal article

Hole-Mask Colloidal Lithography

Hans Fredriksson, Yury Alaverdyan, Alexander Dmitriev et al
Advanced Materials. Vol. 19, p. 4297-4302
Journal article

Nanohole plasmons in optically thin gold films

Tomas Rindzevicius, Yury Alaverdyan, Borja Sepulveda et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 111, p. 1207-1212
Journal article

Long-range refractive index sensing using plasmonic nanostructures

Tomas Rindzevicius, Yury Alaverdyan, W.A. Murray et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 111, p. 11806-11810
Journal article

Photo-induced transformations in 2,2:5,2-terthiophene thin films on silver

Yury Alaverdyan, Patrik Johansson, Mikael Käll
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 8, p. 1445-1450
Journal article

Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Terthiophenes for Molecular Electronics

Fredrik Svedberg, Yury Alaverdyan, Patrik Johansson et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Vol. 110, p. 25671-25677
Journal article

Microstructural changes in gold nanoparticles upon pulsed laser irradiation

Lisa Eurenius, Yury Alaverdyan, Dinko Chakarov et al
Proceedings of the 8th Inter American Congess of Electron Microscopy
Other conference contribution

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