Yutao Xia

Showing 5 publications


Numerical investigation of bogie-induced flow disturbances around a streamlined high-speed train

Yitong Wu, Wei Zhou, Xifeng Liang et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 36 (12)
Journal article

Investigation of the dynamic airtightness coefficient of high-speed trains traveling through a tunnel: A field study

Yutao Xia, Tang hong Liu, Xiao dong Chen et al
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Vol. 236
Journal article

Active flow control of the airflow of a ship at yaw

Kewei Xu, Xinchao Su, Yutao Xia et al
Ocean Engineering. Vol. 273
Journal article

Aerodynamic influences of typical windbreak wall types on a high-speed train under crosswinds

Yutao Xia, Tang hong Liu, Xinchao Su et al
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Vol. 231
Journal article

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