Yvonne Lagrosen

Showing 10 publications


Exploring service quality in the health and fitness industry

Stefan Lagrosen, Yvonne Lagrosen
Managing Service Quality. Vol. 17 (1)
Journal article

A dive into the depths of quality management

Stefan Lagrosen, Yvonne Lagrosen
European Business Review. Vol. 18
Journal article

Kvalitetsutveckling i sjukvården

Yvonne Lagrosen, Stefan Lagrosen, Ingela Bäckström
HEL, Hälso- och sjukvårdens ekonomi och logistik
Book chapter

Values of TQM and employee health: an examination and comparison between two manufacturing departments

Yvonne Lagrosen, Ingela Bäckström
8'th QMOD International Conference, Quality Management for organisational and regional development
Paper in proceeding

The effects of quality management - a survey of Swedish quality professionals

Yvonne Lagrosen, Stefan Lagrosen
International Journal of Operation and Production management. Vol. 25 (10), p. 940-952
Journal article

Trust as a quality variable

Stefan Lagrosen, Yvonne Lagrosen
8'th QMOD International Conference, Quality Management and Organisational Development
Paper in proceeding

Quality Management in Health Care or for Health Care - or Both?

Yvonne Lagrosen, Stefan Lagrosen
7th Toulon - Verona Conference, Quality in Services,
Paper in proceeding

TQM and Health - the employees´ perception

Yvonne Lagrosen
Journal of Management Systems. Vol. 16 (3)
Journal article

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