Lighthouse - samverkansplattform för sjöfartsFoI
Research Project, 2021 – 2024

Purpose and goal

Lighthouse is a platform for collaboration and exchange of knowledge in research and innovation for competitive sustainable shipping. Lighthouse activities are based on the needs of industry and society. This Vinnova project will support the coordinating role of Lighthouse by co-financing focus groups for specific current issues and increased work to engage and involve small and medium-sized companies.

Expected results and effects
The ambition of Lighthouse regarding effects and results is to involve actors, including small and medium-sized companies, through developed and broadened collaboration in maritime research and innovation, and to better address needs and implement more project ideas for the benefit of industry and society.

Planned approach and implementation
Lighthouse creates focus groups within current issues to enable more actors to participate, to be able to go deeper into issues and capture needs and to create a good environment for generating and initiating implementation of concrete action proposals and project ideas. Lighthouse will also increase participation from small and medium-sized companies in LH activities by offering participation in networks and focus groups, and by supporting and participating in the operation of the digital innovation and collaboration platform SARGASSO.


Åsa Burman (contact)

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2)



Project ID: 2021-01582
Funding Chalmers participation during 2021–2026

The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises

Project ID: Bidrag Lighthouse plattform
Funding Chalmers participation during 2021–2026

Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure


Areas of Advance


More information

Latest update

7/1/2024 2