Next Generation Batteries
Research Project, 2021 – 2032

Lithium-ion batteries have since 2010 doubled in energy density and become 90%(!) cheaper by R&D advances and following Wright’s law. Today 350 GWh/y are produced, by 2030 2 TWh/y, but this development cannot be sustained forever.
Next generation batteries (NGBs) offer possibilities for new applications and actors by advances in energy and power performance. They also improve the sustainability, ultimately a must for a circular economy and to provide clean(er) energy to all.Any leap-frog NGB breakthrough will be based on ideas and concepts enabled by fundamental science at the materials level. A proper understanding of application demands is also vital, but to be curiosity driven is more important for NGB research.This grant will allow us to long-term expand our NGB activities with a new environment. Unique experimental and computational excellence allow us to apply concrete technical performance KPIs hand-in-hand with the aim of proper fundamental understanding. This will reveal the underlying mechanisms and possibilities and limitations for a wide range of NGBs.The scientific aims are to develop semi-solid electrolytes, to enable safe and reliable use of metal anodes; investigate the role of entropy for structure, dynamics, and interfacial properties, both for electrodes and electrolytes; and create full cells using organic cathodes, to improve charge transfer in multivalent NGBs and reduce mining and cost, as well as to enable “low-tech” aqueous NGBs.


Patrik Johansson (contact)

Chalmers, Physics, Materials Physics


Swedish Research Council (VR)

Project ID: 2021-00613
Funding Chalmers participation during 2021–2032

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