Software Engineers For Green Deal SE4GD
Research Project, 2021 – 2025

SE4GD – Software Engineers for Green Deal is the first and only software engineering programme that considers sustainability as the main goal of the software engineers. 

The SE4GreenDeal programme aims to educate a new generation of software engineers that will emphasize the the sustainability of the software as well as the sustainability effects of software on society.​
- Claim: Software is developed with no (or little) consideration on its effects ​
- Claim: Software is used with no (or little) consideration on the sustainability effects of it or through it​
- Proposal: Sustainability should be considered as mandatory characteristics of the software product and effects related to software should be made visible so that consumers can select sustainable solutions..

The SE4GreenDeal programme educates ​
- Software engineers that will have sustainability mindset in addition to software engineering competencies​
- Software engineers that consider sustainability as a vital characteristics of software​
- Software engineers that are able to innovate, design and implement software solutions for different sustainability challenges​
- Software engineers that realize the effects of their software solutions on the surrounding environment​

Graduates of SE4GreenDeal programme have a good basis on sustainable thinking and they are able to use their software engineering skills to develop sustainable software solutions to challenges in various domains.​


Birgit Penzenstadler (contact)

Chalmers, Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers), Interaction Design and Software Engineering


European Commission (EC)

Funding Chalmers participation during 2021–2025

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