Biodegradable semiconducting polymers for transient electronics
Research Project, 2024 – 2026

Electronics waste (e-waste) has become a major contributor to pollution due to their large quantity of annual production of 70 million tons and their toxic materials that can leach into soil and water sources. However, little attention has been paid to how electronics are produced, consumed, and disposed at the end of their lifetime. Biodegradable electronics that can function as normal electronics but degrade or dissolve in the environment without leaving toxic residues can provide an ideal solution to address this issue. This project aims to develop biodegradable semiconducting polymers (BSPs) for transient electronics that can not only contribute to the decrease of e-waste in a short term but also meet the pressing demand of implantable bioelectronics in a long term. The project proposes five novel design strategies for the synthesis of BSPs and will be implemented through four interconnected work packages. To ensure effective communication, a well-constructed plan with stakeholders and users from academia, electronic industry, environmental organizations, and consumers of electronic products will be implemented throughout the project. The research on transient electronics has the potential to contribute to several Sustainable Development Goals by promoting sustainable innovation, responsible consumption and production, climate action, and partnerships for the goals, which is highly relevant to the Formas’ areas of responsibility: Environment and Agricultural Sciences.


Ergang Wang (contact)

Chalmers, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Applied Chemistry



Project ID: 2023-01008
Funding Chalmers participation during 2024–2026


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