Ferroelectric nematic liquids
Research Project, 2024 – 2027

In 2020, the first example of a three dimensional liquid with spontaneous polar order was identified. At that moment the 100 years old paradigm of the non-polar nature of nematic liquid crystals broke down, and the old truth that spontaneous polarization and ferroelectricity in liquid crystals require lower symmetry, layered (smectic) phases was overturned. The new ferroelectric nematic (NF) phase has gained an enormous interest, also outside the liquid crystal community. The spontaneous polarization provides new functionalities, with possible applications in for example photonics, electronics, and sensor technology, but maybe also for novel energy harvesting and storage devices, that have not been possbible to realize before. We ask for funding to pursue forefront research on NF materials, with special focus on the interplay between NF liquid crystals and bounding surfaces as surface-liquid crystal interactions are absolutely crucial for any of the devices mentioned above. Our aim is to find novel strategies to control and stabilize polar and apolar orientational anchoring for ferroelectric nematic optical device geometries and concepts.  We will also explore possibilities to utilize polymer-stabilized soft ferroelectric nematic structures for cheap piezoelectric energy harvesting for instance in smart clothes. Classic non-polar nematic liquid crystals once revolutionized display technology - where will the polar ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal take us?


Per Rudquist (contact)

Chalmers, Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Electronics Material and Systems


Swedish Research Council (VR)

Project ID: 2023-04853
Funding Chalmers participation during 2024–2027


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