Localization and Sensing for Perceptive Cell-Free Networks Towards 6G
Research Project, 2025 – 2028

High-precision location and sensing information (i.e., perception) will be an essential ingredient in 6G cell-free (CF) networks to support high data rates and realize crucial functions, such as location-based beam-focusing. The goal of the 6G-PERCEF project (Localization and Sensing for Perceptive Cell-Free Networks Towards 6G) is to make 6G CF networks perceptive through the development of foundational channel models and novel algorithms for localization and sensing, accompanied by hardware-based experimental validation. The research will be carried out by the applicant (with expertise in models and algorithms) and a new postdoc (with background in experiments), in tight collaboration with researchers from backgrounds in CF testbeds and hardware development. The project will start with model development and proceed with algorithm design, while experiments will be carried out periodically for model calibration and algorithm validation. Methods from detection/estimation theory, machine learning and radar signal processing will be used, as well as ray-tracing tools. The planned research addresses the compelling need for localization and sensing in 6G CF networks, and will bridge the gap between theory and practice through experimental validation under real-world limitations. The main outcomes will be (i) realistic yet tractable channel models for localization and sensing in CF systems; (ii) novel signal processing methods covering both sub-6 GHz and mmWave bands.


Musa Furkan Keskin (contact)

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Communication, Antennas and Optical Networks


Swedish Research Council (VR)

Project ID: 2024-04390
Funding Chalmers participation during 2025–2028

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