An Internet-based Collaborative Platform for Managing Manufacturing Knowledge (Know4Car)
Research Project, 2011 – 2015

Current digital manufacturing ICT platforms have provided a series of tools, including CAx, PDM and PLM systems, to support engineers in a series of collaborative activities, allowing them to communicate as well as to design and validate the manufacturing processes. However, they still have a long way to go for effectively addressing engineering knowledge management issues: - Todays ERP systems are often detached from the engineering knowledge they are associated with, while PLM systems provide no link to actual performance indicators, such as cost, time, and quality parameters - Current User Interfaces (UI) are often too complex and require much effort to follow and use effectively - Knowledge is often dispersed over many stakeholders and many IT systems - There is still a significant absence of robust tools for automatic knowledge capturing as well as for systematic reuse of knowledge, especially in the area of engineering The Know4Car project will attempt to address the following objectives: - The more efficient knowledge management and collaboration throughout the product lifecycle, supporting the capture, the systematic organization in the form of manufacturing templates of knowledge - To revolutionize the UI context in the engineering office and the shop floor, with particular emphasis on training activities: - Faster, easier, error-free UI for data entry / checking in the shop floor along with serious games options for instantaneous knowledge retrieval, training and/or design purposes Ultimately, Know4Car aims at delivering a state-of-the-art web-based ICT platform for managing manufacturing knowledge, comprising the following key characteristics: - Web-based Engineering Desktop for agent-based collaborative design (using cross-platform runtime environments, such as Adobe Air / Flash) throughout the value chain, using PPIs and manufacturing templates - Faster, easier, guided UI for blue collar workers and engineers.


Knut Åkesson (contact)

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Systems and control

Amir Hossein Ebrahimi

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Systems and control

Petter Falkman

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Systems and control

Sathyamyla Kanthabhabhajeya

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Systems and control


Automotive and Metalmechanic Innovation (IAM)

Santa Maria Imbaro, Italy

Centro Ricerche Fiat (CRF)

Orbassano, Italy

EDAG Production Solutions

Fulda, Germany

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Karlsruhe, Germany

N. Bazigos

Mandra Attikis, Greece


Karlsruhe, Germany


Walldorf, Germany


Derio, Spain

Universityof Patras

Rio Patras, Greece

Volvo Group

Gothenburg, Sweden


European Commission (EC)

Project ID: EC/FP7/284602
Funding Chalmers participation during 2011–2015


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Project Web Page

Project Web Page at Chalmers

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