Application of enzymes for bioeconomy solutions
Research Project, 2015 – 2016

The discovery in 2010-11 of a new class of oxidative enzymes which are capable of breaking glucosidic bonds and hereby leads to significant improvement in the efficiency of enzymatic saccharification has been ground breaking. These findings opened a door to a completely new field of research within this novel class of enzymes – now termed lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases, LPMO – and to the need re-optimization of the application of cellulolytic enzymes in a biorefinery context.


Lisbeth Olsson (contact)

Chalmers, Life Sciences, Industrial Biotechnology

Katja Salomon Johansen

Chalmers, Life Sciences, Industrial Biotechnology


Region Västra Götaland

Project ID: RUN 612-0764-14
Funding Chalmers participation during 2015–2016

Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure

Sustainable development

Driving Forces


Areas of Advance

Life Science Engineering (2010-2018)

Areas of Advance

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