Information Content of Multi-spectral SAR Data
Research Project, 2015 – 2017

Develop and propose multi-wavelength retrieval schemes for a number of applications supported by appropriate uncertainty analyses. Address and identify synergy potential between the different wavelengths. Current and past SAR systems in orbit - with exception of the shuttle-based SAR campaign missions - operate at single frequency per platform. The constant need for evolving our understandingof the Earth's bio- and geo-physical parameters and the sensing thereof using SAR can be addressed using the addition of multiple channels - to be provided with added polarisation diversity and imaging wavelengths. Polarisation-diversity is already being addressed within the PolSAR and PolInSAR community, but the wavelength diversity remains a topic that is not widely discussed in the community mainly due to the lack of space-borne data. There is however no reason to doubt its enormous potential. Initial steps were undertaken for a combined X- and Ku-band SAR mission called CoReH2O. This activity shall quantify the added value of combining wavelengthsin the retrieval using readily available data from datasets from both shuttle and airborne campaigns for sites where in-situ characterisation was available. Most likely the sites will include forested, agricultural and sea ice areas. C-band is to be taken as the starting point from which shorter and longer wavelengths can be added into the retrieval scheme. Polarimetric intensity and coherence investigations will be carried out within the scope of the activity. In addition, additional datasets from (current) spaceborne SAR systems operating at L-, S-, C- and X-band shall be collected and analysed. Maximum allowable data latency between the different sensing bands shall be investigated for the different applications. Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news "Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and R&D entities in ESA programmes".


Leif Eriksson (contact)

Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing, Radar Remote Sensing

Wiebke Aldenhoff

Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing, Radar Remote Sensing


Gamma Remote Sensing AG

Gümligen, Switzerland


Berlin, Germany

National Research Council of Italy (CNR)

Bari, Italy


European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESA ESTEC)

Project ID: 4000115192/15/NL/AF/eg
Funding Chalmers participation during 2015–2017

Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure

Basic sciences


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