Comparative experimental investigation of performance and efficiency of ground collectors for vertical borehole applications
Research Project, 2015 – 2018

The number of heating and cooling systems using vertical boreholes is increasing rapidly in Sweden. This project will perform comparative investigations of these collectors. The aim is to test thermal and hydraulic performance of the collectors under similar conditions. Based on outcomes of the comparative analysis, best performing collector types, for different scenarios of operating modes, heat injection/extraction rates, temperature difference over the collector and flow rates, will be identified. Projected outcomes include significant reduction in pumping powers and improvements in energy performance of borehole systems. Substantial reductions in required borehole depths are also expected. The project is an important step towards development of an international centre for testing and certification of ground collectors from all over the world.


Saqib Javed (contact)

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Building Services Engineering


Danfoss Sverige

Linköping, Sweden


Reftele, Sweden

EnergyBooster AB

Karlstad, Sweden

HP-Borrningar i Klippan

Klippan, Sweden

Lund University

Lund, Sweden


Solna, Sweden

QTF Sweden

Kalmar, Sweden


Solna, Sweden

University of Genoa

Genova, Italy

University of Oklahoma

Norman, USA


Swedish Energy Agency

Project ID: 40930-1
Funding Chalmers participation during 2015–2018

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