CHESS: Clients and Architects Strategies in Early Stages – a collaborative approach for added value in the built environment: Phase II
Research Project, 2010 – 2012

Introduction, objective and research questions
One overriding aim of this continuation assistant professorship Phase II (2010-2012) was to further develop the research team in the field of early stages in construction at Chalmers, with the particular interests in developing the role of the construction client?s and the architect's collaborative briefing processes. However, this report is for both Phase I (2008-2009) and Phase II. The specific research project aimed to determine critical factors that enable collaborative performance based briefings to enhance added value in the built environment. The research has been carried out at the Department of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg.

Drawing on case studies, project documents (i.e strategic and outline briefs) and interviews this project has comprehensively audit the following research questions:
RQ1: What are the main reasons for the lack of a collaborative working process? between clients and architects in the early stages?
RQ2: How is the translation of qualitative user requirements into value added building performance specifications managed by client organizations vs. architects?
RQ3: How can construction clients anticipate and handle related problems during the briefing processes in a collaborative setting?
RQ4: What strategies and channels encourage the revision and development of collaboration in early stages?
In a summary phase II has continued to expose problems and increase the understanding of relationships, in particular, with clients & architects and specifically, in early stages, which can affect the development of added value in the built environment. RQ 2 & 4 has partly been examined in part I Part II emphasized RQ 1 & 3.

Contribution of the Research
The research performed by Ryd has provided better understanding of the enablers that constitutes a valuable built environment by focusing client and architect collaboration in the early briefing, planning and design phase of the construction process. (Results will be presented at CIB: The International Building Council, World Building Congress, 5 - 9 May 2013) In turn, her studies studies can be used to develop innovative public spaces and workspaces as well as management that respond to a client?s performance needs. Moreover, effective collaboration and accurate requirement management will lead to better and sustainable value of expensive construction projects (Presented at Montreal, Canada 2012). This research has also made concrete suggestions for improving how to identify and evaluate clients? needs and the assessment of those needs in a way that adds value to their projects (Ryd 2008). A distinct feature of this continuation period was the possibility for an establishment of a strong research team involving knowledge exchange between younger and older researchers. More specifically, this project has made both theoretical and practical contributions to the following areas:

The Building sector as a whole: with advice to each group of stakeholders (i.e. architects and clients) and support action to liberate more value for all involved. (Continuous participation in the Construction Client Forums and The Swedish Association of Architects educational programs added valuable national collaboration and networking in the field of client and architect relationships in early stages.) Moreover, in terms of increased insight into the types of collaboration needed to ensure that the built environment are planned, designed, and produced to fit the particular needs they are meant to support. The way built environment provides value to the economy, society and the natural environment has also been explored (Fristedt, Ryd, Sandesten 2012). The results will be adaptable to most client organizations/real estate/property owners and architectural companies, and;

Academia: in terms of a deeper understanding of early value adding collaborative briefing processes, including a vocabulary for the early stages. Moreover, the assistant professorship in itself is one foundation for a strong research environment for exchanging knowledge and the opportunities for Dr. Ryd to maintain research in a scientifically rich research environment. Furthermore, this opportunity has broadened contacts with the external scientific community?s work, advancing knowledge that architects and construction clients can use. And finally, this research forms communication links between Chalmers and the construction industry. Ryd is for example member of the board of Sveriges Bygguniversitet and the board of IQ Samhällsbyggnad etc.)

A major personal output of this assistant professorship period was that Dr. Ryd became an associate professor (docent) the 31thf of august 2011. Moreover, during 2010-2012 Ryd had a unique opportunity to work on a challenging special commission (50%) as Director of Chalmers Area of Advance: Built Environment by commitment of Chalmers vice president Anne-Marie Hermansson.

Main supervisor for PhD student, Master of architecture Johanna Eriksson, SWECO, at the department of Architecture, Chalmers, in connections to the Formas project Arena Users & Demands: Commercial and Residential Properties - Empower the users to enhance appropriate quality requirements. Expected lic. degree dec 2013.

Deputy supervisor for PhD student Morgan Andersson at the department of Architecture,
expected PhD diss. dec 2013.

Deputy supervisor 2007-sept 2010 for PhD Kristina Laurell Stenlund: Value creation in development and construction of public buildings : the case of houses of culture the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, LTU.


Nina Ryd (contact)

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Building Design



Project ID: 242-2009-650
Funding Chalmers participation during 2010–2012

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