PatteRned cOatings based on 2D materials benzoxazine reSin hybrids for broad range Pressure detECTion (PROSPECT)
Research Project, 2019 – 2023

PROSPECT targets an innovative generation of coatings based on a benzoxazine polymer matrix incorporating electrically conductive 2D layers for pressure sensing applications. The hybrid structures will comprise (Reduced) Graphene Oxide, (R)GO flakes well dispersed in the monomer matrix. The benzoxazine functional groups will serve as reticulation nodes and as centres for the anchoring of electrically active (R)GO flakes. The heat- or light-triggered reticulation of the monomers in presence of the 2D fillers will yield resins whose thermomechanical properties can be tuned by controlling the degree and rate of conversion through the curing temperature or the light exposure duration and power. Spatial confinement in the degree of reticulation achieved by laser irradiation will allow for broad-span pressure detection gratings, with each spatial domain selectively sensitive to a specific range of external pressures. PROSPECT aims at fabricating sensors that can accurately measure pressures both in the medium-pressure regime (10–100 kPa) suitable for object manipulation and in the low-pressure regimes


Vincenzo Palermo (contact)

Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Materials and manufacture


Universite de Mons

Mons, Belgium

University of Nova Gorica

Nova Gorica, Slovenia

University of Strasbourg

Strasbourg, France


Swedish Research Council (VR)

Project ID: 2019-03411
Funding Chalmers participation during 2019–2023


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