Design for adaption - making buildings ready for circular use and extended service life
Research Project, 2019 – 2020

Purpose and goal: The concept of design for adaption is to extend the service life of timber building to the maximum in sev-eral life cycles. In the first stage of the project the demand for design for adaption shall be identified. Technical solutions will be listed and evaluated to be applied to a case study building. The tool for the sus-tainability impact assessment will be developed. In the desired second stage of the project the design for adaption is demonstrated by a case study building. The environmental, economic and social impact is quantified and a guideline of design for adaption is developed. Expected results and effects: The project will directly lead to a quantification of the demand for design for adaption, an overview of technical solutions and tools for the sustainability impact assessment of the concept. In the continuation of the project the concept is further developed and enhanced for a case study building in Göteborg. On long term the optimized concept of design for adaption allows for scaling effects for all participating stakeholders and will strengthening the Swedish industry with an economic, social and sustainable innova-tion for the global market. Approach and implementation: The project analyzes and evaluates the demand, feasibility and assessment methods of the concept of de-sign for adaption. The demand to apply design for adaption in the building process is analyzed by individ-ual interviews and collective workshops with stakeholders and by literature review. The feasibility is evaluat-ed by literature reviews of existing relevant projects and discussion with experts. The selection of the sus-tainability assessment method is done based on literature review. The indicators are chosen by relevance and preference identified from interviews


Robert Jockwer (contact)

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering



Göteborg, Sweden



Project ID: 2019-02423
Funding Chalmers participation during 2019–2020


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