NanoSPAM: National Nodes for Sample Preparation And Microscopy
Research Project, 2019 – 2022

This project aims to reach out to both public and industrial research communities within life sciences and soft materials to facilitate their scientific success at MAX IV and SciLifeLab.We will achieve this by forming a collaborative network of labs providing sample preparation, electron (EM) microscopy facilities, and beamline access at MAX IV to establish:An Easy Access Route (EAR) for new users, offering freesample preparationsupport for firstmeasurements and including guidance in application for beam timeA website and outreach program with specialized workshops, where potential users are matched to techniques and the EAR is introducedA catalogue for sample preparation methods for different sample types and experiments: both X-ray, EM and other imagingA practical pathway from start to finish: including sample preparation, storage, sample transport, characterization and help with data analysisTraining in sample preparation techniques on demandA strong national network of labs: with regional strengths and synergies, meeting regularly and inviting new labs to participate.


Eva Olsson (contact)

Chalmers, Physics, Nano and Biophysics


Swedish Research Council (VR)

Project ID: 2018-06478
Funding Chalmers participation during 2019–2022

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