AutoSec - Dissemination of FFI-funded Automotive Cybersecurity Projects, and research and business intelligence
Research Project, 2020 – 2023

Purpose and goal: AutoSec will continue the work defined in the DEx project; i.e. coordinating the dissemination of results from Vinnova funded research projects on automotive cybersecurity and privacy. Furthermore, the project will continue to monitor and disseminate research and business intelligence. Dissemination will be done in digital form, by seminars and the yearly AutoSec Forum. The project goal is to: 1) monitor and disseminate the Vinnova funded automotive cybersecurity and privacy projects’ research results 2) monitor and disseminate the research and business intelligence Expected results and effects: Main purpose is to accomplish coordination with regards to dissemination of the project results from all the automotive security and privacy projects funded by Vinnova. Expected results are dissemination oriented, including both digital and physical dissemination through the web page, the biweekly newsletter, focusing on the dissemination of project results and relevant research and business intelligence. The annual AutoSec Forum and several open seminars with a focus on specific research results and/or research and business intelligence monitoring. Approach and implementation: Business and intelligence information will be gathered by monitoring of research publications and presentations, as well as news monitoring for industrial publications and business-related information. For dissemination the of relevant research results and business intelligence information will be packaged into publications on the website and newsletter, seminars and a yearly AutoSec Forum in a way that is relevant for both OEMs, SMEs, researchers and the general public.


Tomas Olovsson (contact)

Chalmers, Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers), Networks and Systems (Chalmers)


RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Göteborg, Sweden



Project ID: 2019-05883
Funding Chalmers participation during 2020–2023

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