Green Participation. The Sociopolitics of Ecological Landscape Design in the Work of Louis le Roy
Research Project, 2022 – 2027

Contemporary design solutions for green infrastructure often come up against a lack of involvement of citizens and citizens' organizations. Moreover, both (ecological) science and design lack the expertise to enable human beings and non-human beings (plants, animals, organic material) to work together in a sustainable way. ‘Green Participation' explores the possibilities and pitfalls of such a possible collaboration from a historical perspective. It focuses on the work of the Dutch landscape designer Louis le Roy (1924-2012), who at the end of the 1960s was one of the first figures in Europe to put participatory processes into practice in landscape design. The work of le Roy serves as a starting point to expose the actors, networks and design methods involved in an inclusive conception of ecological landscape design. At the same time 'Green Participation' investigates how sociopolitical issues were addressed in le Roy's theoretical reflection and projects.

Project Team: prof. Bruno Notteboom (PL / KU Leuven), prof. Isabelle Doucet (Chalmers), Michelle Mlati (PhD student KU Leuven / Chalmers)


Isabelle Doucet (contact)

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Architectural theory and methods


KU Leuven

Leuven, Belgium


Research Foundation Flanders / Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

Project ID: FWOG051821N
Funding Chalmers participation during 2022–2027

KU Leuven

Project ID: FWOG051821N
Funding Chalmers participation during 2022–2027

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