Stabilitet, transport och skenande elektroner i magnetiskt inneslutna plasmor
Research Project, 2012 – 2014

Fusion has a potential of becoming a long-term environmentally friendly and resource efficient energy option. The proposed project concerns theoretical fusion plasma research, with a special focus on issues that are relevant for reactor-scale devices. The aim is to develop theoretical models that can explain experimentally observed phenomena in existing magnetic confinement devices, and can be used to make predictions on the implications for the design of future ones. The main goal is to understand the influence of runaway electrons, neutral atoms and edge currents on magnetically confined plasma transport and stability. The central questions are: What is the dynamics of runaway electrons in magnetically confined plasmas, and how can this information be used to avoid runaway beam formation in tokamaks? In what way will neutral atoms and transient currents influence transport and stability of the plasma in regions with large gradients? The problems will be solved through a combination of analytical and numerical modelling. The research will be conducted in collaboration with scientists in leading laboratories in Europe and USA. We expect to develop deeper understanding of transport in advanced scenarios and confinement of runaway electrons in fusion devices. Our results are expected to contribute to improvements in confinement and in the design of next generation fusion devices.


Tünde Fülöp (contact)

Nuclear Engineering

Istvan Pusztai

Nuclear Engineering

Adam Stahl

Nuclear Engineering


Swedish Research Council (VR)

Project ID: 2011-5258
Funding Chalmers participation during 2012–2014

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