Boundary Conditions for Vehicle Automation 2 (ARV 2014)
Research Project, 2014

Objective and Goal - FulfillmentThe purpose of the project is to create a collaborative platform for the area of automated driving and traffic systems. Focus lies on non-competitive areas, where most or preferably all partners agree that the area is of common interest for further studies, research or cooperation with infrastructure holders. The project steering committee has agreed on three areas which will be subject to further analysis and research project applications.Result and Expected Effects - OutcomeThe project has delivered the following:* Three pre-studies for the selected areas for furhter research* One State-of-the-Art article to be published for FISITA 2016* Four student reports from Chalmers (MORE)* A White Paper including the recommended intentions for continued collaborationThe result from the project will be transferred to a new project for the year 2014. The purpose of this project will be to find and explore sub-areas within automated driving where Swedish automotive industry has the ability to take a position as global leaders.Approach and Implementation - AnalysisInitially the project was cunducted through creative workshops with the support from Chalmers Departement of Technology in collaboration with Mines ParisTech. A series of workshops was conducted using the KCP method which aims at organizing innovation for a larger colletive. Ideas generated were prioritized and three selected areas were chosen for analysis in pre-studies conducted in collaboration between the industrial partners and the universities.Viktoria Swedish ICT wrote an article on ´State-fo-the-Art´ for automated driving - published at FISITA on June 2-6 2014.


Anna Nilsson-Ehle (contact)

Chalmers, Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers (SAFER)


Autoliv AB

Vårgårda, Sweden

Scania CV AB

Södertälje, Sweden

Viktoria Swedish ICT

Göteborg, Sweden

Volvo Cars

Göteborg, Sweden

Volvo Group

Gothenburg, Sweden



Project ID: 2013-05620
Funding Chalmers participation during 2014

Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure

Sustainable development

Driving Forces


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