The FORMAX-portal - access to advanced x-ray methods for forest industry
Research Project, 2018 – 2021

With the ForMAX Portal we aim to establish a platform at MAX IV that will contribute to the development of the forest industry with respect to knowledge, competence and competitiveness. The forest industry has been a cornerstone in Swedish economy during the last century. Presently the global competition regarding packaging paper grades and a general decline in demand for printing paper grades constitutes a significant challenge. This challenge is addressed through several dedicated research and development efforts, involving universities, research institutes and industry, where the access to advanced characteirzation methods is a a cornerstone.Specifically, the platform will focus on advanced user support by method experts who also have competence in materials of relevance for forest industry. These experts act as a bridge between researchers in industry and the infrastructure and academia, supporting the industrial researchers in all project stages – preparation and sample optimization, performing the experiment, data analysis and dissemination. The aim is to lower the barrier for new industrial users and to increase the quality and efficiency of the research. A central part is also to provide information on possibilities and capabilities of x-ray techniques, adaption of experiments with relevant sample environment and training of new users. This proposal is supported by eitgh forest companies and is fully in line with the strategy of the MAX IV facility.


Aleksandar Matic (contact)

Chalmers, Physics, Materials Physics


Lund University

Lund, Sweden

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Stockholm, Sweden


Swedish Research Council (VR)

Project ID: 2018-06469
Funding Chalmers participation during 2018–2021


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