Characterisation of exhaust gas emissions from a pilot vessel using renewable methanol for propulsion
Research Project, 2017 –

The objective of the GreenPilot project is to demonstrate that the use of methanol as a fuel can reduce the environmental impact. This will be done by converting a pilot boat to methanol operation to show how a methanol conversion of a smaller vessel can be carried out in practice and to demonstrate the emissions reductions that can be achieved. A first set of measurements have been performed showing low emissions of SO2, NOX and particles. However emissions of CO was high indicating emissions of insufficient combustion. A second campaign is now planned for December 2017 in order to characterise the emissions of hydrocarbons. These measurements will be performed in collaboration with researchers from VTT (Finland) and Chalmers.


Kent Salo (contact)

Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Maritime Studies



Funding Chalmers participation during 2017–

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