Controllable alignment of nematics by nanostructured polymeric layers
Journal article, 2009
reverse pretilt
titled alignment
nanostructured polymers
anchoring strength
Lachezar Komitov
University of Gothenburg
Giovanni Barbero
University of Gothenburg
Ingolf Dahl
University of Gothenburg
Bertil Helgee
University of Gothenburg
Chalmers, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Polymer Technology
Nils Olsson
University of Gothenburg
Liquid Crystals
0267-8292 (ISSN) 1366-5855 (eISSN)
Vol. 36 6 & 7 747-753Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Polymer Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology
Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified
Other Materials Engineering
Condensed Matter Physics