An integrated analysis of ergonomics and time consumption in Swedish 'craft-type' car disassembly
Journal article, 2005

Car disassembly is at the edge of extensive rationalisations due to increased legislative demands for recycling. This study focused on (1) assessing current mechanical exposures (physical work loads) for comparison with future rationalised systems, with particular emphasis on time aspects, (2) analysing disassembly work in terms of time consumption and exposures in constituent tasks as defined by a loss analysis technique, and (3) predicting the consequences of car disassembly rationalisation for mechanical exposures. The study showed that disassembly implied pronounced circulatory loads, and that more walking and higher lumbar peak loads were found than in studies of assembly work. Value-adding tasks comprised 30% of the total working time, and implied higher postural exposures for the head, arm, trunk and wrist, as well as less opportunities to recover, as compared to non-value-adding tasks. Organisational-type rationalisations can be expected to increase the time spent in value-adding work, thus increasing local exposures for the average worker, while a concurrent increase in mechanisation level might reduce circulatory exposures, the amount of walking, and peak lumbar loads.


K. Kazmierczak


Lund University

S. E. Mathiassen

University of Gävle

Mikael Forsman

Chalmers, Product and Production Development, Production Systems

Jörgen Winkel

University of Gothenburg

Applied Ergonomics

0003-6870 (ISSN) 1872-9126 (eISSN)

Vol. 36 3 263-273

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics



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