High-T-c SC and CMR made chemically intuitive
Journal article, 1998

Detailed electronic properties of cluster models of superconducting cuprates have been determined by ab initio quantum chemistry. All near-degeneracy effects are included explicitly in the wave function description. A semi-quantitative understanding of a low-dispersive ‘oxygen metal' band, attenuated by lattice vibrations, and coupled to an antiferromagnetic background in the case of the high-Tc SC materials, is generalized to also include colossal magneto-resistance in the manganites.


Itai Panas

Chalmers, Department of Environmental Inorganic Chemistry

Rafael Gatt

Department of Physics

J.R.T Johnson

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

0022-3697 (ISSN)

Vol. 59 10-12 2230-2232

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Theoretical Chemistry

Condensed Matter Physics

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