Large Eddy Simulation for the Analysis of Supersonic Jet Noise Suppression Devices
Doctoral thesis, 2010

Stricter noise regulations for commercial and military aircraft have increased interest in noise reduction techniques within the aerospace industry. To meet the requirements, new noise suppression technologies have to be developed and numerical methods need to be validated and possibly improved for the correct assessment of these technologies. In this thesis the main focus is to explore techniques to reduce the noise from the exhaust part of a typical military fighter engine. In this investigation, two techniques, which have been proven to be effective on subsonic jets, are studied. The first technique is the use of passive flow control devices, such as chevrons, for increasing the mixing rate in the shear layer of the jet. The second technique is the use of fluidic injection, through micro-jets, which have the capability to be controlled during flight to minimize thrust loss and maximize noise reduction. Large eddy simulation (LES) is used as a numerical prediction tool to predict the flow field and a Kirchhoff surface integral technique is used to extend the acoustic domain. In all cases studied, the nozzle geometry is included in the calculation domain. The numerically predicted flow field and acoustic results are compared with experimental data. The impact on flow field and acoustic signature by the different nozzle designs are evaluated. Also, the effect of forward flight is investigated at different free stream Mach numbers. Specific numerical issues when simulating supersonic jet flows and dealing with complex geometries are addressed and the applied methods are evaluated.

fluidic injection


jet noise


forward flight effects


acoustic liner

supersonic turbulent jets

broadband time-domain impedance boundary condition


shock-associated noise



Opponent: Prof. Paul G. Tucker, Rank Professor of Turbomachinery Computational Aerodynamics, The University of Cambridge, Whittle Laboratory, England


Markus Olander Burak

Chalmers, Applied Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics

LES based jet noise prediction for mixer-ejector configurations including acoustic liner model

Inter-Noise 2006 Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,;(2006)

Other conference contribution

Near-Field Jet Noise from a Supersonic C-D Chevron Nozzle

16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 7-9 June, Stockholm, Sweden,;(2010)

Other conference contribution

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Supersonic C-D Nozzle

15th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 11-13 May, Miami, Florida,;(2009)

Other conference contribution

Micro-Jet Flow Control for Noise Reduction of a Supersonic Jet from a Practical C-D Nozzle

16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 7-9 June, Stockholm, Sweden,;(2010)

Other conference contribution

Supersonic Jet Noise from a Conical C-D Nozzle with Forward Flight Effects

47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, , 5-8 January, Orlando, Florida,;(2009)

Other conference contribution

Comparison of Flow Control Methods Applied to Conical C-D Nozzles

16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 7-9 June, Stockholm, Sweden,;(2010)

Other conference contribution

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Supersonic C-D Chevron Nozzle

39th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, 22-25 June, San Antonio, Texas,;(2009)

Other conference contribution

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Novel Acoustic Liner Concept

16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 7-9 June, Stockholm, Sweden,;(2010)

Other conference contribution

Validation of a Time- and Frequency-Domain Grazing Flow Acoustic Liner Model

AIAA Journal,;Vol. 47(2009)p. 1841-1848

Journal article

Forward Flight Effects on the Shock Structure From a Chevron C-D Nozzle

48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, 4-7 January, Orlando, Florida,;(2010)

Other conference contribution

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics



Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 3140


Opponent: Prof. Paul G. Tucker, Rank Professor of Turbomachinery Computational Aerodynamics, The University of Cambridge, Whittle Laboratory, England

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