Sources and fluxes of organic contaminants in urban runoff
Doctoral thesis, 2011

Urban runoff quality is recognized as one of the most significant pressures on aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Research into pollutants in urban runoff has traditionally focused on nutrients, suspended solids and metals and consequently knowledge of anthropogenic organic pollutants is limited. The aim of this research was to investigate the occurrence and identify the sources of certain selected organic contaminants in urban runoff, and to evaluate tools for predicting the fluxes of these pollutants in urban catchment areas. Alkylphenols and phthalates were selected for further study since they are used in large quantities and emissions of these compounds are likely to end up in urban runoff. The occurrence of alkylphenols and phthalates was investigated in urban snow, stormwater and sediment. In general, 4-nonylphenol showed high concentrations and detection frequencies compared to most other alkylphenols. Among the phthalates, diisononyl phthalate (DINP) was detected at the highest concentrations in all matrices, followed by diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) and di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). Nonylphenol, octylphenol and DEHP were repeatedly detected in stormwater and snow at concentrations exceeding the European water quality standards. This suggests that measures to reduce the discharge of anthropogenic substances to urban areas are necessary to achieve good water status. Substance flow analysis (SFA) was used to map the sources and quantify the loads of phthalates and nonylphenols in urban catchment areas. The calculated loads of the contaminants were in agreement with measured loads in a studied catchment area and SFA was thus considered efficient for identifying the most important sources of phthalates and nonylphenols. The emission factors used in the calculation of the pollutant loads were also used in a process-based stormwater quality model for predicting nonylphenol and phthalate concentrations in runoff. The model revealed low predictive power; the simulated concentrations were generally one magnitude higher than the measured concentrations. In future studies, it is recommended to link the outcomes from the SFA to a fate model. This integrated model would provide a holistic overview of the sources and sinks of pollutants in urban catchment areas and could be used to evaluate both source control and end-of-pipe mitigation practices.


substance flow analysis


concentrations in urban matrices

urban runoff quality predictions

source identification




Opponent: Ana Estela Barbosa, Hydraulics and Environment Department, National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Portugal


Karin Björklund

Chalmers, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Water Environment Technology

Screening of organic contaminants in urban snow

Proceedings, 14th International Conference, IWA Diffuse Pollution Specialist Group: Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication,;(2010)p. 270-275

Paper in proceeding

Phthalates and nonylphenols in urban runoff: Occurrence, distribution and area emission factors

Science of the Total Environment,;Vol. 407(2009)p. 4665-4672

Journal article

Best Management Practices to Reduce Phthalate and Nonylphenol Loads in Urban Runoff

Proceedings of the International Conference on Urban Drainage, 1-5 September, Edinburgh, UK,;(2008)

Paper in proceeding

Substance flow analyses of phthalates and nonylphenols in stormwater

Water Science and Technology,;Vol. 62(2010)p. 1154-1160

Journal article

Dagvatten rinner av tak och vägar vid regn och snösmältning och för då med sig föroreningar från bl a luftnedfall, trafik och byggnader. Eftersom dagvatten ofta leds till åar och hav utan att först renas, är dess kvalitet av stor betydelse för många vattendrag. Idag har man god kunskap om vilka metaller som kan förväntas förekomma i förhöjda halter i dagvatten, medan kännedomen om organiska ämnen är bristfällig. Denna forskning har som syfte att undersöka förekomsten och kvantifiera spridningen av några utvalda organiska föroreningar i dagvatten, snö och sediment samt att identifiera betydande källor till dessa föroreningar. Ämnesgrupperna nonylfenoler och ftalater varit i fokus av den orsaken att de används i stora mängder, samtidigt som de uppvisar negativa effekter på vattenlevande organismer. Resultaten visar att nonylfenoler och ftalater förekommer i dagvatten och snö i halter som stundtals överstiger miljökvalitetsnormerna för vatten inom EU. Källspårningen visar att de mest betydande källorna till dessa ämnen är fordon – där de bl a ingår i smörjmedel, bilvårdsprodukter, gummi och plast – följt av byggnadsmaterial som betong (nonylfenol) och plastbelagd plåt (ftalater). Genom att spåra källorna kan åtgärder i första hand riktas mot dessa, och i andra hand kan reningsanläggningar införas, så att spridningen av oönskade ämnen med dagvatten förhindras.

Areas of Advance

Building Futures (2010-2018)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Water Engineering

Environmental Sciences



Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 3161


Opponent: Ana Estela Barbosa, Hydraulics and Environment Department, National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Portugal

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