Supporting openEHR Java Desktop Application Developers
Paper in proceeding, 2011

The openEHR community suggests that an appropriate approach for creating a graphical user interface for an openEHR-based application is to generate forms from the underlying archetypes and templates. However, current generation techniques are not mature enough to be able to produce high quality interfaces with good usability. Therefore, developing efficient ways to combine manually designed and developed interfaces to openEHR backends is an interesting alternative. In this study, a framework for binding a pre-designed graphical user interface to an openEHR-based backend is proposed. The proposed framework contributes to the set of options available for developers. In particular we believe that the approach of combining user interface components with an openEHR backend in the proposed way might be useful in situations where the quality of the user interface is essential and for creating small scale and experimental systems.

graphic user interface



data binding

application development framework


Pariya Kashfi

Chalmers, Applied Information Technology (Chalmers), Interaction design

Olof Torgersson

University of Gothenburg

Studies in Health Technology and Informatics

0926-9630 (ISSN) 18798365 (eISSN)

Vol. 169 724-728
978-160750805-2 (ISBN)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy

Medical Laboratory and Measurements Technologies

Areas of Advance

Information and Communication Technology





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