Integration of Life Cycle Inventories Incorporating Manufacturing Unit Processes
Paper in proceeding, 2011

Sustainable manufacturing (SM) concerns the manufacture of products with regard to environmental, social, and economic impacts over the entire life cycle. With a primary focus on environmental concerns, life cycle assessment (LCA) can support SM practices. The life cycle inventory (LCI) is a key phase of LCA, and this paper considers the integration of manufacturing unit processes (MUPs) into system-level LCIs, which requires consideration of process flow diagrams at different levels of abstraction. Furthermore, uncertainty quantification is an important compo- nent of LCA interpretation, and this paper proposes a method to synthesize LCIs from the process-level to the system-level that consistently quantifies uncertainty in the inventories. The method can incorporate MUP data derived from measurements and/or modeling and simulation. Further development towards a complete methodology is discussed.

life cycle assessment


sustainable manufacturing

uncertainty quantification


life cycle inventory

manufacturing unit process


Mark Campanelli

Jonatan Berglund

Chalmers, Product and Production Development, Production Systems

Sudarsan Rachuri

Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference

9780791854792 (ISBN)

Subject Categories

Other Computer and Information Science

Other Mechanical Engineering

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Areas of Advance




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