Strategies to reduce gaseous KCl and chlorine in deposits during combustion of biomass in fluidised bed boilers
Doctoral thesis, 2012
Ammonium sulphate
Combustion of biomass
Chlorine in deposits
Håkan Kassman
Chalmers, Energy and Environment, Energy Technology
The importance of SO2 and SO3 for sulphation of gaseous KCl - An experimental investigation in a biomass fired CFB boiler
Combustion and Flame,;Vol. 157(2010)p. 1649-1657
Journal article
Measures to reduce chlorine in deposits: Application in a large-scale circulating fluidised bed boiler firing biomass
Fuel,;Vol. 90(2011)p. 1325-1334
Journal article
Two Strategies to Reduce Gaseous KCl and Chlorine in Deposits during Biomass Combustion - Injection of Ammonium Sulphate and Co-Combustion with Peat
Fuel Processing Technology,;Vol. 105(2013)p. 170-180
Journal article
Subject Categories
Energy Engineering
Other Environmental Engineering
Other Chemical Engineering
Areas of Advance
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 3348
Ha 4, Hörsalsvägen, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola
Opponent: Professor Peter Glarborg, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark