When the Governmental Tail Wags the Disciplinary Dog: Some Consequences of National Funding Policy on Doctoral Research in New Zealand
Journal article, 2010

This paper explores disciplinary approaches to knowledge production and the supervision of doctoral students in the context of New Zealand's current Performance Based Research Fund (PBRF). In the last decade New Zealand has experienced significant changes to the way doctoral students are funded by central government. Funding has moved away from a "head count" model to one that rewards specific performance criteria of staff and timely completion of students. In the new regime, research outputs by way of peer reviewed publications, conference presentations, grant awards, postgraduate completions and so forth constitute the significant markers of such performance. Yet in general terms, the production of knowledge varies considerably by academic discipline. This paper uses qualitative methods to explore the potential for the PBRF to privilege some approaches to knowledge production (and models of doctoral supervision) while challenging the viability of others.

Doctoral Programs

Knowledge Management

Educational Finance

Context Effect

Graduate Students


Performance Based Assessment

Employment Practices

College Role

Economic Factors


Educational Change

Intellectual Disciplines

Government School Relationship

Foreign Countries

Financial Support


Kaylene Sampson

Keith Comer

Centre for Language and Communication (Chalmers)

Higher Education Research and Development

0729-4360 (ISSN)

Vol. 29 3 275-289

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)


Pedagogical Work


More information

