Other conference contribution, 2012

Purpose: Private companies perform transport operations in urban areas and the public sector regulates those operations and is responsible for much of the transport infrastructure. Nevertheless, until recently there has been little involvement of private companies in the local authority decision-making process. Freight quality partnerships have been acknowledged in the UK as a way of including urban freight stakeholders in the transport planning process and, there are other examples in Europe of similar networks. However, there are limited references to be found on the topic and little understanding of the importance of those interactions. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to compare the outcomes from two cities (London and Gothenburg) which have adopted a public-private partnership approach as one element of their transport policy. The objective of this comparison is to assess similarities and differences and to see if it is possible to identify the approaches that work best. Research approach: The research approach has included a literature review to explore the themes of partnership in urban freight policy. This has been followed by a detailed case study of the Central London Freight Quality Partnership (CLFQP) and the Gothenburg Freight Network (GFN). The comparative case study has relied on interviews, questionnaires and some participatory research. Findings and Originality: Not surprisingly the results show similarities and differences between the CLFQP and the GFN. Some of the clearest similarities concern the wide range of initiatives that have been discussed in both cities and the value placed on building longer term relationships between public and private stakeholders. Differences concern the organisation, the role of the public policy-making body and the funding arrangements. Lessons have been drawn from the comparison in terms of identifying features that can be considered most critical to success in developing and sustaining these public-private partnerships. Research Impact: The main research impact relates to the greater understanding that has been gained by taking an in-depth look at two partnerships in different cities (and countries). This has added to our understanding of the value of partnership in the field of urban freight transport where it is often advocated but in many cases the goals and the possible barriers successful implementation are rarely discussed. Practical Impact: Given the limitations on public funding at present it is essential to identify the most effective way to enable the public and private sector to work together. Understanding the best way to build and sustain a public-private partnership at the city level is an important contribution to practice.

stakeholder cooperation

public-private partnerships

urban freight

transport planning


Maria Lindholm

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Logistics & Transportation

Michael Browne

University of Gothenburg

Logistics Research Network (LRN) Conference, Cranfield, UK

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Other Mechanical Engineering

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Areas of Advance


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