A Large Eddy Simulation Based Fluid-Structure Interaction Methodology with Application in Hydroelasticity
Doctoral thesis, 2013

The phenomenon of hydroelasticity is a subarea of Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) and of major importance in many engineering applications related to hydrodynamics and naval architecture e.g. wave-induced vibrations, such as springing, whipping and slamming, propeller singing, composite propellers or turbines, acoustic signatures from naval vessels, highly loaded thin propeller blades, and cavitation erosion. Some of these phenomena can be assessed with reasonable reliability, but in cases where medium- to small-scale flow features are important the computational models need to be further developed to improve predictive capability and enable new conceptual designs. The work presented in this thesis has this kind of development as objective and a method capable of providing hydroelasticity predictions based on LES is presented and validated. The problem is particularly challenging as the densities of the fluid and the structure are comparable and an implicit coupling is thus needed to ensure a stable solution procedure. Furthermore, LES is not well established in the FSI context and especially not within the area of hydroelasticity. High resolution of the computation is necessary and the algorithm needs to run efficiently on large parallel computer systems. Reliable results also include predicting the correct separation pattern, in general on smoothly curved geometries. To address this a validation of LES in terms of predicting the correct separation pattern was performed and presented here, including also the development and validation of a LES turbulence trip model. The results presented can be divided into three parts, firstly the prediction and validation of open separation phenomena around a prolate spheroid, secondly the prediction and validation of the flow around an oscillating cylinder and thirdly the development of a fluid-structure interaction methodology for hydrodynamic applications and corresponding prediction and validation of the deformation of a flexible hydrofoil. The results all show a good agreement with experimental data, thus supporting the validity of the fluid-structure interaction methodology for hydroelastic applications presented within the scope of this thesis. Finally, the parallel performance of the implementation is analyzed through both weak and strong scaling and found to be satisfactory.


subgrid modeling

large eddy simulation

trip model

fluid- structure interaction

numerical simulation

forced oscillation

naval architecture


Pascal, Lindholmspiren 5, Lindholmen Science Park
Opponent: Prof. Rainald Löhner, Department of Computational and Data Sciences, George Mason University, USA


Andreas Feymark

Chalmers, Shipping and Marine Technology, Division of Marine Design

Large-Eddy Simulation of an Oscillating Cylinder in a Steady Flow

AIAA Journal,;Vol. 51(2013)p. 1-11

Journal article

LES of the Flow Past an Inclined 6:1 Prolate Spheroid

47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting,;(2009)

Paper in proceeding

Large Eddy Simulation of High Re Number Partially Separated Flow

50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition,;(2012)

Paper in proceeding

Numerical Simulation of an Oscillating Cylinder Using Large Eddy Simulation and Implicit Large Eddy Simulation

Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME,;Vol. 134(2012)

Journal article


C3SE (Chalmers Centre for Computational Science and Engineering)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics



Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: ny serie

Pascal, Lindholmspiren 5, Lindholmen Science Park

Opponent: Prof. Rainald Löhner, Department of Computational and Data Sciences, George Mason University, USA

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