Analysis of crack retardation effects and crack path in ship structure members on different routes
Paper in proceeding, 2013

The ship size has been rapidly increased in recent years. Consequently, many aspects of ship structural safety have been concerned, i.e. fatigue strength. Since fatigue cracks are found in the early stage of a ship’s service life, it might be that the classical cumulative fatigue rule is insufficient to consider the effects of many uncertain factors, such as variable wave environment loads. The wave load history hinges on the short-sea history. It means that the accuracy of fatigue assessment is affected by the used wave model. There are several established wave models, which could be used to simulate wave load history as in the real ocean conditions. In this paper, wave load histories of a 2800TEU container ship are generated by two different wave models. It is used for crack propagation analysis in the changing routes and trades. The result in the simulated crack propagation lives is examined and discussed.

fatigue damage sensor

hindcast data

Fatigue crack propagation

ship structures


Fredhi Agung Prasetyo

Osaka University

Wengang Mao

Chalmers, Shipping and Marine Technology, Division of Marine Design

Tomohei Kobayashi

Osaka University

Naoki Osawa

Osaka University

Jonas Ringsberg

Chalmers, Shipping and Marine Technology, Division of Marine Design

Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Fracture (ICF13)

Vol. 6 1-9

The 13th International Conference on Fracture (ICF13)
Beijing, China,

Chalmers Area of Advance Transport – funding 2013

Chalmers, 2013-01-01 -- 2013-12-31.

Subject Categories

Mechanical Engineering

Materials Engineering

Computational Mathematics

Vehicle Engineering

Probability Theory and Statistics

Mathematical Analysis

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Innovation and entrepreneurship

Areas of Advance


Materials Science


Basic sciences



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