Endwall Heat Transfer Measurements of an Outlet Guide Vane at on and off Design Conditions
Paper in proceeding, 2013

The endwall heat transfer characteristics of forced flow past outlet guide vanes (OGVs) in a linear cascade have been investigated by using a liquid crystal thermography (LCT) method. The Reynolds number is kept at 250,000 and both on-and off design conditions are tested. For the on-design condition where the incidence angle of OGVs is 30°, no obvious flow separation phenomenon was observed; on the contrary, for the off-design conditions where the incidence angle of OGVs is 0° and -31°, respectively, remarkable flow separation was noticed. The results indicate that the incidence angle of OGVs has a significant effect on the endwall heat transfer. In general, the endwall heat transfer coefficients for the off-design conditions are higher than the corresponding on-design condition. In addition, a preliminary CFD analysis was performed and presented. Basically, the results are consistent with the experiments but further investigations are needed in the future work.


Lei Wang

Lund University

Per Fahlén

Lund University

Valery Chernoray

Chalmers, Applied Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics

Hans Abrahamsson

GKN Aerospace Services

ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2013; San Antonio, Tx; United States; 3 June 2013 through 7 June 2013

Vol. 3C 1-8
978-079185516-4 (ISBN)

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Sustainable development

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Basic sciences

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics



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