Rediscover the art of engineering!
Other conference contribution, 2002

This article argues that virtual process development can give production technology as engineering art the renaissance it needs. With a starting point from an industrially established project, aimed at increasing the tempo and precision in the development of new manufacturing systems, above all through using the new possibilities that simulation through information technology gives, real financial data about the merits of simulation techniques are delivered. Furthermore, the article discusses the consequences of lacking knowledge and competence within the area of manufacturing and constitutes an appeal for investment in development of industrial activity. The significance of practical experience is underlined, and the article defends the thesis that effective knowledge and competence refinement, besides lead-time reduction, provides important key issues for an innovative and future based manufacturing industry.

Simulation in manufacturing engineering

The art of engineering

Vocational knowledge


Bertil Gustafsson

Chalmers, Product and Production Development

Proceedings of the 33rd ISR (International Symposium on Robotics)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Economics and Business

Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified

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