Visual Process Instructions for “knowing how”
Paper in proceeding, 2002

The trend towards ever-shorter product life cycles produces a need to find tools and methods of working for integrated product and manufacturing process development. This paper describes a project, which has investigated the potential of digital visualisation technology for use in training operators to assemble new products prior to actual physical production, with the purpose of shortening the time needed for training. The project has been carried out in conjunction with Volvo Car Corporation in Gothenburg, Sweden. The aim of the project, has been to find a methodology for formulating future working instructions, which describe more than primarily what is to be done in order to assemble a car. The results indicate that there is a need to complement the instructions in order to provide better information on how it is to be done. This can be carried out using the simulation and visualisation technology. It is suggested that the results should be called Visual Process Instructions. The possession of propositional knowledge is not enough when designing models representing “knowing-how” - involve people with practical knowledge in the development process. Visual Process Instructions can never completely capture all the elements of craftsmanship, but help us transfer more of vocational knowledge.

Vocational knowledge




Bertil Gustafsson

Chalmers, Product and Production Development

Proceedings of The 35th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems – Manufacturing technology in the information age

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified

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