Muscle Responses of Car Occupants: Numerical Modeling and Volunteer Experiments under Pre-Crash Braking Conditions
Doctoral thesis, 2014
feedback postural control
autonomous braking
active muscle
anticipatory postural control
seat belt pre-tension
driver braking
human body model
finite element
occupant kinematics
Jonas Östh
Chalmers, Applied Mechanics, Vehicle Safety
Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers
Included papers
The Occupant Response to Autonomous Braking: A Modelling Approach That Accounts for Active Musculature
Traffic Injury Prevention,;Vol. 13(2012)p. 265-277
Journal article
A Human Body Model with Active Muscles for Simulation of Pre-Tensioned Restraints in Autonomous Braking Interventions
Traffic Injury Prevention,;Vol. 16(2015)p. 304-313
Journal article
Driver Kinematic and Muscle Responses in Braking Events with Standard and Reversible Pre-tensioned Restraints: Validation Data for Human Models
Stapp car crash journal,;Vol. 57(2013)p. 1-41
Journal article
A Method to Model Anticipatory Postural Control in Driver Braking Events
Gait and Posture,;Vol. 40(2014)p. 664-669
Journal article
Passenger Kinematics and Muscle Responses in Autonomous Braking Events with Standard and Reversible Pre‐tensioned Restraints
IRCOBI Conference 2013,;(2013)p. 602-617
Paper in proceeding
Active muscle response using feedback control of a finite element human arm model
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering,;Vol. 15(2012)p. 347-361
Journal article
Areas of Advance
C3SE (Chalmers Centre for Computational Science and Engineering)
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Vehicle Engineering
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie
Public defence
2014-04-11 12:00
Beta-salen, Hörselgången 4, Lindholmen, Göteborg
Opponent: Susumu Ejima, Ph.D., Manager Impact Biomechanics Research, Japan Automotive Research Institute, Japan