Designing and Prototyping a Web Based Device Pairing System for Presentations on Multiple Screens
Paper in proceeding, 2014

Giving presentations which are visually supported by slides can be tedious as the connection of devices with an available screen often takes a larger amount of time and the right con- figuration is sometimes difficult to be figured out. During this project an app and a website were developed to assist users in connecting their presentation devices quickly and easily with other devices to show the presentations on their screens. The project was executed in the context of the course Program- ming Project, Major at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. After shortly presenting the concept of our design, the paper will describe the design process, prototyping, final implementation and evaluation of the product.


David Schneller

Student at Chalmers

Michael Schade

Student at Chalmers

Sebastian Ilves

Student at Chalmers

Conference proceedings of SIDeR’14 – student interaction design research conference

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Computer and Information Science

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