Beam Stability at CTF3
Paper in proceeding, 2012

The two-beam acceleration tested at CTF3 imposes very tight tolerances on the drive beam stability. A description of the specialized monitoring tool developed to identify the drifts and jitter in the machine is presented. It compares all the relevant signals in an on-line manner to help the operator to identify drifts and to log data for off-line analysis. The main sources for the drifts of the drive beam have been identified and their causes are described. A feedback applied to the RF was implemented to reduce the effects. It works by changing the waveform for the pulse compression to compensate for the drifts.


Tobias Persson

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

P. K. Skowronski


IPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012

978-395450115-1 (ISBN)

3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012
New Orleans, USA,

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation

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