Exactly Solvable Models for Self-Assembly
Doctoral thesis, 2014
Erik Edlund
Chalmers, Energy and Environment, Physical Resource Theory
SuMo Biomaterials
Designing Isotropic Interactions for Self-Assembly of Complex Lattices
Physical Review Letters,;Vol. 107(2011)p. 085503-
Journal article
Universality of Striped Morphologies
Physical Review Letters,;Vol. 105(2010)p. 137203-
Journal article
Predicting self-assembled patterns on spheres with multicomponent coatings
Soft Matter,;Vol. 10(2014)p. 2955-2960
Journal article
Chiral Surfaces Self-Assembling in One-Component Systems with Isotropic Interactions
Physical Review Letters,;Vol. 108(2012)p. 165502-
Journal article
Using the uncertainty principle to design simple interactions for targeted self-assembly
Journal of Chemical Physics,;Vol. 139(2013)p. 024107-
Journal article
Novel Self-Assembled Morphologies from Isotropic Interactions
Physical Review Letters,;Vol. 107(2011)p. 085501-
Journal article
Basic sciences
Subject Categories
Other Physics Topics
Condensed Matter Physics
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie
EB, Hörsalsvägen 11, Chalmers
Opponent: Professor Thomas Truskett, Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, USA