Atmospheric corrosion of the MgAl alloy AM50 in rheocast and high pressure diecast conditions - Influence of Microstructure, CO2 and NaCl
Licentiate thesis, 2014
MgAl alloy
Atmospheric corrosion
High pressure diecast
Mehrdad Shahabi Navid
Chalmers, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Environmental Inorganic Chemistry
NaCl-induced atmospheric corrosion of MgAl alloy AM50 in semi-solid cast and high pressure die cast form; relation between alloy microstructure and corrosion
Proceedings of the International Congress on Light Materials-Science and Technology (LightMAT 2013), Bremen, Germany, In: Characterisation, Simulation, In: Corrosion, Editor: A. Lohmüller,;(2013)
Paper in proceeding
NaCl-Induced Atmospheric Corrosion of the MgAl Alloy AM50-The Influence of CO2
Journal of the Electrochemical Society,;Vol. 161(2014)p. C277-C287
Journal article
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Materials Engineering
Corrosion Engineering
Areas of Advance
Materials Science
Licentiatuppsatser vid Institutionen för kemi- och bioteknik, Chalmers tekniska högskola: 1652-943X
Room 10:an, Chemistry building (forskarhus I), Kemigården 4
Opponent: Dr. Dan Persson