Selectron NLSP in gauge mediation
Journal article, 2014

We discuss gauge mediation models in which the smuon and the selectron are mass-degenerate co-NLSP, which we, for brevity, refer to as selectron NLSP. In these models, the stau, as well as the other superpartners, are parametrically heavier than the NLSP. We start by taking a bottom-up perspective and investigate the conditions under which selectron NLSP spectra can be realized in the MSSM. We then give a complete characterization of gauge mediation models realizing such spectra at low energies. The splitting between the slepton families is induced radiatively by the usual hierarchies in the Standard Model Yukawa couplings and hence, no new sources of flavour misalignment are introduced. We construct explicit weakly coupled messenger models which give rise to selectron NLSP, while accommodating a 126 GeV MSSM Higgs mass, both within the framework of General Gauge Mediation and in extensions where direct couplings between the messengers and the Higgs fields are present. In the latter class of models, large A-terms and relatively light stops can be achieved. The collider signatures of these models typically involve multilepton final states. We discuss the relevant LHC bounds and provide examples of models where the decay of the NLSP selectron is prompt, displaced or long-lived. The prompt case can be viewed as an ultraviolet completion of a simplified model recently considered by the CMS collaboration.



supersymmetry breaking



Lorenzo Calibbi

Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

A. Mariotti

Durham University

Christoffer Petersson

Chalmers, Fundamental Physics

D. Redigolo

Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

International Solvay Institute for Physics and Chemistry

Journal of High Energy Physics

1126-6708 (ISSN) 1029-8479 (eISSN)

Vol. 2014 9 Article no. 133 - 133

Searching for new physics at the Large Hadron Collider in the Higgs era

Swedish Research Council (VR) (2013-475), 2013-07-01 -- 2016-06-30.

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Physical Sciences



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