Important Issues and Results from Knut Lundquist's Lignin Research at Chalmers
Journal article, 2014

This is a manuscript originally written by Knut Lundquist and Jim Parkas in a more popular science spirit on topics in lignin chemistry where Knut and Chalmers has contributed and Knut's view on the bearing of this research on lignin chemistry. The manuscript was never published and was translated from Swedish by Ulla Westermark and Jim Parkas with a new title. The following topics are briefly addressed: stereochemistry and its implication on lignin structure and lignin biosynthesis, lignin-carbohydrate bonds, oxidative lignin degrading enzymes, reactions of beta-ethers at neutral and acidic conditions.


Knut Lundquist

Lignin chemistry

Materials Science

Paper & Wood


Knut Lundquist

Chalmers, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Forest Products and Chemical Engineering

Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology

0277-3813 (ISSN) 1532-2319 (eISSN)

Vol. 35 1 3-7

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Materials Engineering



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