Implementation and evaluation of tilted foils polarization at REX-ISOLDE
Journal article, 2012

The progress within atomic and nuclear physics relies on refining and adding new observables. One of these is the polarization of the nuclear spin, where there is a manifest interest in accessing a wide variety of polarized beams, e. g. at energies suitable for Coulomb excitation and transfer experiments. In particular, exotic nuclei with half-lives considerably less than one second are difficult to produce, but the issues present in traditional methods could be overcome by using the tilted foils technique. Two setups for measuring the degree of polarization of an ion beam after the REX-ISOLDE linear accelerator at CERN are being evaluated. An approach based on Coulomb excitation has been utilized in an experiment and preliminary results will be presented. Furthermore, a beta-NMR setup is currently under construction that will take radioactive beams soon.





Hans Törnqvist

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

C. Sotty

Centre de Sciences Nucleaires et de Sciences de la Matiere

G. Georgiev

Centre de Sciences Nucleaires et de Sciences de la Matiere

M. Hass

Weizmann Institute of Science

A. Herlert


M. Kowalska


Thomas Nilsson

Chalmers, Applied Physics, Subatomic Physics

J. Pakarinen


Fredrik Wenander


Physica Scripta

00318949 (ISSN) 14024896 (eISSN)

Vol. T150 T150 014040

Subject Categories

Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation

Subatomic Physics

Physical Sciences


Basic sciences



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