LISTEN – Auralization of Urban Soundscapes. Final report to the Knowledge Foundation
Report, 2011

This is the final report of the 3-year research project “LISTEN: Auralization of Urban Soundscapes” that started in September 2008. The project was financed by the Visualization-in-Sweden call for projects, launched by the Knowledge Foundation, Invest in Sweden Agency, Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA), Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, and the Vårdal Foundation. The project was co-financed by its six end-user partners: Swedish Road Administration, Swedish Railway Administration, Stockholm City, WSP Acoustics, ÅF Consulting, and Rambøll Denmark A/S. The project’s research partners were Stockholm University (coordinator), Chalmers University of Technology, the Interactive Institute, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and University College of Art, Crafts and Design. We would like to thank the following representatives of the end-user partners for their dedication and contribution to the project: Allan Jensen from Rambøll Denmark; Klas Hagberg, Crispin Dickson and Andreas Novak from WSP Acoustics; Björn Hellström, Philip Zalyaletdinov and Leif Åkerlöf from ÅF-consulting; Kjell Strömmer and Lars Dahlbom from the Swedish Road Administration (now the Swedish Transport Administration); Gisela Köthnig and Karin Blidberg from the Swedish Railway Administration (now the Swedish Transport Administration); Magnus Lindqvist from Stockholm City. We would also like to thank the following researchers and students for their help in the project: Maria Rådsten-Ekman and Jesper Alvarsson from Stockholm University; Chinmay Prafulla Pendharkar from Chalmers University of Technology; Marja Gustlin from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Peter Becker from the Interactive Institute; Dr. Ricardo Avienca from University College of Art, Crafts and Design. Finally, we would like to thank Dr Tomasz Kaczmarek from Institute of Acoustics, Adam Mickiewiz University, Poznan, Poland for his contribution to the development of auralization methodology in the early stages of the project.


Mats Nilsson

Jens Forssén

Chalmers, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Applied Acoustics

Peter Lundén

Andrew Peplow

Björn Hellström

Areas of Advance


Building Futures (2010-2018)

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Other Environmental Engineering

Other Civil Engineering

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