Radiation in simulations of high intensity laser-matter interaction
Licentiate thesis, 2016

We consider electromagnetic waves propagating in plasmas, with two main themes covered. First nonlinear plasma theory and wave-wave interaction. Here a wave-wave symmetry, the Manley-Rowe relations, is used as a method of determining the physicality of modified plasma fluid equations. Secondly, we consider radiation emission in simulations of laser-matter interaction where we develop a method of calculating high frequency radiation from relativistic particles, which is not included in particle-in-cell simulations. This is benchmarked against radiation reaction losses and also used in order to compare the radiation between cases where either classical or QED equations of motion are used.


nonlinear dynamics



radiation reaction

synchrotron radiation

PJ-salen, Origo, Fysikgården 2B Chalmers University of Technology.
Opponent: Raimund Feifel, Professor, Institutionen för fysik, Göteborgs Universitet, Sverige


Erik Karl Wallstén Wallin

Chalmers, Physics, Theoretical Physics


Basic sciences

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Fusion, Plasma and Space Physics

PJ-salen, Origo, Fysikgården 2B Chalmers University of Technology.

Opponent: Raimund Feifel, Professor, Institutionen för fysik, Göteborgs Universitet, Sverige

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